About Me

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I am an army wife with three kids. I live too many miles from any family members but I have a support group of friends here in this high desert that I am thankful and greatful for every single day. I am in a soul search for myself. I have always been a "yes" person. A person who can never say "no". Because of this I have lost Me along the way, and I am tired of being lost. It's time for Jayme to find herself and be happy. The past 6 months have been hard for me. I mean REALLY challenging because like I said, I am an Army wife with three kids and sometimes I have to do things like, you know, on my own. I have another 6-7 months of more challenge ahead of me. But I think I should look at it as 6-7 more months of recreating a better me. A woman who is comfortable in her own skin. Somebody who radiates strength and inner-peace. Somebody who has a closeness with her God and herself. Somebody who can also--finaly--put herself first and use the word "no".

Thursday, March 31, 2011

A time to be healthy and a time to feel like poop

I made such a mistake in my last blog. I asked the fatal question, "Can things get any worse"? And as we all know, that was a stupid question. I tempted the gods and I got my answer. Yes. Things can get worse.
Last Friday I got a call from the school. It was my middle son. He was feeling--as he put it--queasy. He had thrown up in class on himself. Lovely.
I tell you what! It all went down hill from there. The weekend was filled with all three kids being sick. There was fever, throwing up and lots and lots of coughing. By Sunday I had heard enough of the coughing to get all of us dressed in something more than t-shirts and undies and drove us to the Urgent Care unit down the street.
Turns out it wasn't pneumonia like I was afraid of, thank goodness. It was just a, "nasty virus" that caused my two oldest boys' asthma to be stimulated. Okay. That's not too bad, right? We have a nebulizer at home. We have coughing syrup and children's Advil too. This might be a nasty virus but we can kick this crap in no time.
That's what I thought anyway. The virus had other plans. They ALL missed school on Monday. By Tuesday my oldest had kicked his illness and got to return to school. Yay! But, My other two were still running high fevers and coughing. I started feeling crappy over the weekend, and by Tuesday I was feeling pretty yucky. As a matter of fact, I could feel my chest starting to feel tight and I was fighting a strong urge to cough my head off. By Wednesday, I had had enough. My two poor little boys were STILL running fevers and coughing and I was running a fever and coughing right along with them. Being mom isn't always easy, but being the mommy and being really sick still doesn't excuse you from all mommy duties. (sigh) So off we went to the urgent care unit again.
I checked us ALL in to be seen by the doctor. Don't get me wrong, we all were seen, but the boys got the help they needed. I did not. It was determined that my two boys have a viral bronchitis. Me? "oh you're just fine. Your lungs sound nice and clear". I guess it didn't matter that I told the doctor when I cough my lungs burn like fire. Oh, THAT'S not important! We were sent out the door with two prescriptions. One prescription per ill boy. Nothing for the mommy.
I was furious! I had to go home and let the boys lay down and take a rest. They were BURNING with fevers and needed to rest. Meanwhile, I called my regular MD and made an appointment for myself. By Golly! Somebody is going to pay attention to the fact that I am SICK! I made a decision that I will not walk out of the doctor's office without a prescription for an antibiotic. Period.
A few hours later, and dragging (literally) two ailing children with me to the doctor's office (again) I got what I needed.
My question is: why does it have to sound like a pool of water is flowing through my chest before the doctors believe that my lungs hurt when I cough? I stopped smoking years ago, once upon a time I used to get bronchitis every winter. The doctors informed me that I wouldn't get bronchitis so much if I would just quit. So over time, I did eventually quit, but I KNOW what bronchitis feels like. Just like I KNOW what it feels like to be pregnant. I have been down that road. I know how it feels. I know my body!
Okay, I'll stop ranting on the dumb asses we call doctors. I just think it's sad that I had to go THREE times to get the right diagnosis.
Speaking of which, I am in total anticipation of my alternative doctor appointment for next week. I get to have more blood drawn! Yippie! That may sound sarcastic and it is partially. I am not looking forward to opening another vein BUT I am looking forward to having some new tests ran. All in the name to find a diagnosis for these damned body aches.
Know what's funny? Well, not funny "ha-ha", but funny ironic? I have been suffering with the body aches all week long. Only this time it's come with a fever! So in a sense, I can finally say I am legitimately sick. I can rationalize my body aches this week with a valid disease. It's nice to be able to put my finger on a disease this week and say, "THIS IS WHAT'S WRONG! (this week)".
Well today my oldest went to school like he has done since last Tuesday. My other two have woken up this morning with absolutely NO FEVERS whatsoever! Cool as cucumbers, they are! I could do the happy dance if I felt like getting up. I still feel like there is a fire in my lungs when I cough, and of course my body aches. But really, deep down inside I am doing the football shuffle. I couldn't be more happy! I think these boys might get to make an appearance at school tomorrow! Yippie-freaking-skippie!! Cause man do I need a break from kids for a moment. I have been stuck in Kiddie-Land since last Friday. Man do I miss grown ups. I mean grown ups that aren't doctors.
So here is to Friday (tomorrow) THANK GOD FOR FRIDAY, YO!
Really, I am doing an inner Macarena right now.
TGIF everybody!!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry Jayme. I just now -- today -- was able to read your blog post. Bet everything is SOOOO much better today. Has to be, considering what happened on Sunday. Surprise!!! Love you, Mom
